Saturday, November 15, 2008

It Begins With Me

I've seen it.
I know what the future could be,
I saw the potential, and I think
It begins with me.

I saw a world full of peace,
A world new and free.
I saw a nation rising up,
A nation including me.

I saw people being helped
By their fellow man.
I saw the path stretching out,
And knew I was part of the plan.

I saw dignity restored,
And dreams become reality.
I saw children smile,
And I knew it started with me.

I saw a planet healed,
Happy elderly and youth.
I saw free education,
And knew I'd found Truth.

I saw true gratefulness,
And widespread equality.
I saw a beautiful world,
And knew it began with me.

Monday, November 10, 2008

My Depression, Drugs, And In-Jokes

It's getting closer to Christmas. Yay!
I keep thinking about last depressing it was. I was in an almost-relationship when I decorated the myself. My parents had no desire to help. Decorating the house and the tree has always been a family affair. But last year, I was the only one who had any interest in festivity. Which was ironic, since I was depressed. I pushed my mom to make her traditional Christmas cookies. I had all of my gifts wrapped before anybody else. It was so weird, to have all this holiday spirit and still feel like everything was dark.
I really want hot cocoa now.
I....need to cheer up.
Oh my gosh! You know what I wanna do? I wanna go sledding! I haven't gone sledding since I was nine. I basically stopped the day I sprained my wrist.
Journalism is starting to become quite the drug. I get high off of interviewing people. I get satisfaction from getting my stories back from editors. I get a fire in my heart when I hear people talk about stuff they've read in the paper, even if it's not my story.
Do you ever make jokes that nobody else gets? That happens far too often for me.
Last night I was laughing silently, and I had to make myself stop so I could sleep. I kept thinking of saying, "Kyrie, if you try to cuddle with me I'm gonna kill you." For some reason that seemed really funny to me.

Monday, November 3, 2008

My KRAFT caramels

I think they have a center of pure crack. Seriously. These things are addictive!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Unusual Taste Buds

I've finally found a form of alcohol that doesn't make me retch. It's name is burgundy wine, and we are casual acquaintances. We may become more, but we will never be lovers. But it's still a revelation that there is a drink that I like. The newness of it is overwhelmingly bright.