Thursday, May 14, 2009

I have Mrs. W for a sub. Which is...and experience. Ben says he loves her. I'm not totally sure but I think Matt hates her. And me? Well, I haven't decided yet. She's got this weird nasal voice...but she isn't afraid to sass whoever walks through the door. She's got chutzpah.

L'homme Armé is epic.
And I am bored. There's nothing for me to do, which comes from people being lazy and being given the jump page, which is nearly always the last one done. At least they gave me an easy one.

Gosh I just wanna go do something worthwhile. Like get my bike from my dad's and ride it around town. I'm looking forward to having self-propelled mobility. Definitely.

I'm poor. I'm hungry a lot. And I've gained weight.
Life kinda sucks.
Then why am I so happy? Is it the flying leaps I take instead of just walking up to Lee and giving him hugs? Is it listening to my favorite songs over and over? Is it Maybe I'm just grateful for the sunshine of spring.

I need to get out more.

Blueberry bagels with cream cheese rock my world.

I have this endless feeling like I'm just waiting. And I don't know what for. I guess that's what they mean when they say "waiting for the other shoe to drop." I don't know what's going on.

I want to LEARN. I am so tired of sitting around doing nothing. I should find online lessons. A month or so ago I found a link to a free thing on psychology. I should look that up. Good Lord...make Mrs. W shut up.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I've been listening to kind of sad songs again. I go on these kicks where I just listen to really solemn songs for like weeks at a time. My two favorites of the moment are "L'homme Armé" from The Armed Man soundtrack and "The Way Down" by The White Tie Affair. I've also been really into newer stuff in history, like the 1991 oil spill and the 9/11 attacks. It's tough, it's depressing, but I still find it fascinating. Gosh why do I have to be such a history buff? There's like no jobs out there that make good money that require a background in history. Unless you want to be a museum curator. Which I actually would love. I think that would be so cool. You'd get to learn oodles, and you'd get to do cool stuff like putting mummies through x-ray machines and stuff. Gosh I love archeology and things like that.
I've decided that I'm going to give the Star Trek movie a try. I was initially very much against it because I thought Hollywood would ruin it, but I hear that even die-hard fans are okay with it. So maybe it'll be ok. Plus, the guy who plays Captain Kirk is pretty hot. Yum. :)
I have an interview for LINK crew today. They had a lot of applicants, so I'm desperately hoping that I'll get in. I want to be a leader so bad, probably worse than a lot of other kids. We'll see.
I also have training next week at Cowtown Candy. Meanwhile I'm still looking around for another job. I think if they open the Walgreens soon I'll apply there. :)
Gosh. Last night I was crying. And then he called me. And all I could think about was how lucky I am.
I always go to sleep pretending/thinking of his arms around me. I can't wait until the night when we can fall asleep together and wake up in the morning with our arms around one another. We've sort of done it before, but only for a few hours. It was heaven.
I'm writing again. I don't mean blogs and stuff, I mean essays and fiction. It feels sooo good to be writing. I hate writers block with a passion. It's really depressing.
One day I will beg my mother to let me into school during the summer, and we will take turns riding my scooter up and down the hallways and we'll laugh ourselves sick. I love my mom, generally speaking.
75% of me is really really sad that Ben is graduating soon. The other 25% is thinking this separation will be a good thing. He needs to cut the apron strings and branch out, and I need the freedom to breathe and not be pulled down by just one best friend. I've felt just a tiny bit suffocated lately.
The Maverick sells frozen yogurt. For like $2 for a good-sized bowl. This is a miracle.
Stupid lactose tolerant people.
L'homme, l'homme, l'homme armé,
L'homme armé,
L'homme armé doibt on doubter, doibt un doubter.
On a fait partout crier,
Que chascun se viengne armer
D'un haubregon de fer.

The man, the man, the armed man,
The armed man
The armed man should be feared, should be feared.
Everywhere it has been proclaimed
That each man shall arm himself
With a coat of iron mail.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Identity Crisis

Yesterday I realized something. My best friend likes who he's becoming. And for the hundredth time in my life I asked myself, "Do I like me?"
In all honesty, sometimes I exasperate myself. I often feel like I need to grow up, and then somebody will come to me for advice and I'll feel more adult than ever. 
I don't like how fast my emotions change sometimes. One moment I'll be smiling, and the next I'll be bawling like the world is ending. 
Yesterday at Young Life, Mikey gave a testimonial, which made pretty much everyone tear up. But I felt stupid because I really started crying toward the end. Mikey said, "No matter what stuff you're going through right now, God loves you." And I knew in my heart that I didn't fully believe it. I want to. But with all the crap that's been in my life in the past few months, it's a little hard to believe that I'm not totally abandoned. Because that's how I feel. I feel like an orphan. I don't have parents, I have two people who feed me and nag me. That's it. Parents talk to you. Parents consistently show their love. And I know that if I were to say that in front of people, many would be shocked. "But your mom does love you!" 
How would you know? You don't see our relationship as it is. You see it the way you want it to be. But isn't that just life?
I've had two or three mysterious bruises in the past week. I don't understand where they're coming from. I don't bruise easily, so you'd think I would remember where I got hurt. 
I love popping my joints. It feels so good.
15 minutes. That's how long I have until I leave this accursed school to perform with some of my best friends. I hope all goes well. 
I'm pretty sure Cap is perpetually irritated with me now. Sad face. I totally adore him.
I want to work at Cowtown Candy so badly. I'm going in for an interview sometime in the next week or so. Yay Gigi! I really want a full-time job there this summer. That would make Gigi very happy. Otherwise Gigi will have to work at Walgreens or something ridiculous and meaningless like that. 
I love driving. Seriously. L-O-V-E it. 
I like singing too. I like singing while I drive.
I am super-excited for prom. I've been looking for ideas for what to do with Sara's hair. She'll look gorgeous no matter what, of course. 
My patootie is in pain. 
I kind of want Lemon Heads. Which I haven't had in like a year. Or more. 
I'm broke. Super broke. I only have like 20 bucks left in my checking account. Oh well. That'll change at the end of the week. ^-^ I'm still über careful with my money, generally speaking. But yearbooks are $60 this year!! That's ridiculous!! I'm thinking of asking my mom to go halfsies with me. Then I'd only pay $30, and it'd be our yearbook, but people would sign it to me. Hmm.
Seven minutes. 
My butt hurts so bad. Owwwww.
I'm such a history nerd. Ugh. Sometimes I roll my eyes at myself. 
I want to run away. It's time for something to happen in the life of Gigi. Prom is coming, but that's not good enough. Gigi needs to get out of her normal environment. Gigi needs to get lost and make new friends and be responsible for herself. Gigi is good at traveling. 
Ah, I take it back. Prom will be awesome. 
Four minutes.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I'm listening to a happy song and all I want to do is cry. I keep trying to cry. But nothing is working. I need to cry.

Thanks, Mom and Dad. I thought I was okay, finally. Thought I was basically cured. But hey, what's it to you? Your perfect (or not) little girl is just a polite robot who occasionally acts out and sometimes smiles. Either way, it's just a malfunction. Kick the machine and it'll start working again. Right?

Sometimes I still get the temptation to drive into the other lane...just to see what would happen. But I don't want anybody else to get hurt.
Hey, I'm not suicidal.
Just experimental.

I collect experiences. I guess that's why I'm a slightly strange person.
I put my little glowing experiences in clear glass jars with the lids shut tight, and I save them all on a shelf. Sometimes I take them down and just look at them. A few are ugly. A few are beautiful. All are fascinating.

Blood is cool. I've never been a fan of slasher movies. Natural blood, calm, clean that's beautiful.

Funny how I make such binding promises.

Dresses are my new favorite thing.

Sometimes I hate the telephone.

I need somebody to hold my hand. I need a beating heart to listen to at night. I need kisses on the back of my neck and whispers in my ear.
Technically I have these...they're just not easily accessible.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just a moment ago I read this:
The article (from the Associated Press, pretty much the best news source on the planet) says that a little war has broken out between Catholic bishops and Notre Dame University. Notre Dame invited President Barack Obama to speak at its commencement ceremony this May, as is the custom for new presidents. However, many Catholics are shocked at the thought of someone so vehemently pro-abortion speaking on a Catholic campus.
Excuse me?
President Obama is pro-abortion and he supports embyronic stem cell research. But if I remember correctly, those topics don't generally appear in graduation speeches. Usually commencement speeches are focused on the future and hard work and hope. Obama is good at hope. It's his word.
I really don't understand two main things about this "issue." First, that it has become such a juvenile argument. As a Catholic myself, I can understand the anger and resentment that fill pro-life hearts around the world at the thought of a pro-abortion leader. But as a near-adult, a rational thinker and a politically-inclined teen, I can't see why they must attack Obama's ideas on this level. A more appropriate course of action surely lies elsewhere.
Secondly, I don't see why it is being blown into such huge proportions. I actually discovered it via Catholic e-newsletter. The newsletter was a link that led to dozens of other links which led to countless stories about the conflict between Catholic bishops and Notre Dame administrators. Why must we make take this particular opportunity to demote abortion? There are plenty of others.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Sick Mildness

It's a bad day for me. I feel sick, through and through.
I woke up feeling sick to my stomach. This isn't unusual for me, (maybe I'm hypoglycemic?) but today I just felt...sick.
I feel sick inside too. Like there's something rotting in me. It's not a good feeling. (Well duh.) I feel like I'm in pain. I should be used to not feeling "good enough" but I'm not. Never quick enough, smart enough, thin enough, beautiful enough.
Never enough.
"Mild depression." That's what they call it. It's kind of like saying "mildly poisoned" or "mildly drowned." Mild. Like salsa.
Am I still not over it?

I guess not.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happily Ever Afters

Not simple love, not complex love.
Love in its purest form, coupled with passion.
I never knew passion was a separate entity from love.
I want him.
I crave him, stronger than any drug or cup of coffee.
There’s a hunger in my heart, in the pit of my belly.
And I wonder if he feels this too, or if I just love him too much.
I hope it’s the former.
There have been moments
When we clung to each other
Like the only two survivors
In the entire world.
Survivors of what?
The throes of teenage heartache, heartbreak, depression and love?
Broken homes, changing views, hot-as-hell opinions?
Maybe we’re just survivors of each other,
For each other.
Fairytale love.
That’s what I call it.
Not real fairytale love,
Where The Prince and The Princess meet at a ball,
Fall madly in love,
And live Happily Ever After.
No, this is the Real Fairytale,
In which the prince and princess meet
In the dark basement of a church,
Shyly admit their feelings on the Internet,
And begin dating two weeks after the princess
Was dumped by a minor duke.

Monday, March 9, 2009

I wonder if anybody reads these things.....

My computer deleted a blog I'd been working on for two days. FML.

Geometry is easy and hard at the same time. Like a male whore. Heh heh.

My blog should be labeled "Caution, this program may not be suitable for children. Parental guidance is advised."

It's cool to have a car of my own. It's strange and nice to have such independence. I was standing in the dark kitchen last night, drinking a glass of water, when I suddenly felt a keen awareness of my own independence, my own responsibility. "A lot of kids I know would be taking this way harder than I am," I thought. I wondered if other teens would throw fits, or be less organized. I'm sure other teens communicate with their parents about plans and locations far less than I do. For example, today I handed my mom a note with my after-school schedule for the next week or so. I figure this way she can plan dinners more easily, and she won't have to worry about where I'll be or when I'll be home.

I discovered three Beta Bucks in my room. This is a sign from God, indicating that Ben and I need to make a morning coffee run. :)

Sara and Nick and I are all very excited about State Speech. It's fun to see Nick so involved, how much he really loves Speech and how he cares for the younger kids. He's become surprisingly responsible in the past year, stepping into his role as a leader as easily as some people pull up their socks. I like how he and I are becoming better friends. I'm going to make him watch Juno on the way to State. :) He's a good kid, really.
Speaking of good kids....Ben and I are talking and hanging out more too, which totally makes me smile. I felt so proud of him, that he offered to help us move and didn't back out even when he found out I wouldn't be there. He's grown up.

Shopping with my dad was pretty neat. We went to 2 thrift stores, which were ok but not big hits. Then we went to the store my dad's friend Sharie owns, a vintage store. My dad explained as we were walking in that he had brought Sharie so much stuff that he had a crapload of store credit racked up, so I could buy whatever I wanted. The first thing I noticed in the store was Sharie's employee, Rory. Rory is blond. Very blond. And slightly tan. And dresses in suit jackets from the 1960s.
He looked like Barbie's boyfriend (Ken) circa 1965.
He was nice though. So was the other employee, Patricia. She brought me all sorts of vintage dresses and tops to try on, and I found some really beautiful things. I felt happy...I thought, "This is what it must feel like to be rich."

Sunday afternoon I packed up a bunch of clothes, stuffed animals, toiletries, etc and moved a bunch of things over to Mom's. We had fun, dancing around and watching M*A*S*H while we ate hot dogs. It felt good, to bond like that.

Everything in the Equus is going fine, though I'm a bit hurried. Deadlines fly up at me like so many flies from...well.....yeah.

I have practically zero time. I shouldn't even be writing a blog, that's how little time I have. But I have to write. That's what I do. It is who I am: a writer.

I need chocolate covered pretzels.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

How To Pack A Hippo

While searching for tips on how to pack for a move, I came across this:

Yes, there is or was something posted on how to pack a hippo. Unfortunately, I got a 404 message when I clicked on the link. :( But doesn't it make you feel safer knowing that somebody out there knows how to safely pack a hippo?

Monday, March 2, 2009

I forgot, ya'll might not know what FML stands for. It means F*** My Life.
Has your face ever gone numb? No, seriously. It's happened to me only maybe 3 or 4 times ever. It's happening right now. It's because I was thinking about how f*****g pathetic I must look when I explain to people that my parents are getting a divorce.
Mom said Mrs. Loberg and Mrs. Winniger (née Albaugh) are going to help us move. Fuuuudge. I'm hoping to God I don't cry.
Mrs. Loberg gave me a hug in the hallway like the Monday after The Talk. She said "I love you." It was strange, hearing words like that from somebody who's practically a stranger. God, don't let me cry. Don't let me cry.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Are people with cancer more afraid to actually say cancer because it'll make the whole thing seem more real? Because that's the way I am with the D-word.
D for Depression
I for Ill
V for Vendettas
O for Oh my God
R for Reality (screwed)
C for Crashed
E for Excedrine

rhymes with tattoo
and poo
and sue
and goo
and balloon.....sort of

F**k my life.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Temporary Misplacia

This pain
Is like jagged rips
In my heart
While memories, tears
Flow through my mind and over my face
In the dark
In the candlelight.
I need to come back,
Come home
And fit the pieces together,
To make the puzzle whole-
The way we became whole,
Completing each other
On cement and cotton.
I need to see the light
In your eyes,
The light that illuminates
My very soul.
Without it, I am blind
I need to feel your skin,
Warm and alive,
Gliding over mine,
Heating and melting
The ice of my old hell.
Winter always returns
Without the sun.
Without light,
Flowers cease to bloom
And all of life fades.
Which is why I need you-
Because otherwise I am
Vaguely dead,
Discontent with mere existence
And colorblind to everyone.
I need your breath in my ear,
Your voice...
For what is life
Without music?
I need your laugh
And your smile
Oh God...
Your lips.
Bestowing, anointing me
With the most precious gift
Of your kiss.
Pure good
Pure love
Pure bliss.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Incurability

Even drugs don't work. I've been to the doctor twice. Nothing seems to help my throat for more than ten minutes. I need my voice.
I write this from the depths of Medicine Land. Tylenol with codeine is usually enough to knock out pain for most people, right? It really hasn't had any effect on me, except for making me feel like everything is a little's a little harder to focus. My mind slips from one subject to another. I'm drifting.
If I had swollen glands, the doc would have said I have mono....but nothing. I'm just kind of defying everything, medically.
I'm so tired. Constantly. I just have zero energy. Even typing this makes my arms hurt....I wonder what's wrong with me? When will I be back to normal?
I'm ready to be healthy again.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Real Hiccups

I have hiccups. Right now. For the past two years, I've only had little hiccups after eating, like my dad and his mom. Finally I have real hiccups.
Best part of my week.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Your Dreams

I will love you forever
If you’ll only be mine
I’ll love you for always
(And that’s a long time!)
If ever you fear,
Become angry or weep,
Remember that I
Will be there in your sleep.
In the deepest of dreams
I will come, dear, to you,
And avow of my love
So deep and so true.
We will run in bright meadows,
We will swim in clear seas.
We will be free to frolic,
And do as we please.
But if, love, you fear that
The dawn will bring anguish,
Be still and remember
Our love will not languish.
For my heart and your heart
Are made of the same mold,
And my heart, dear love,
Is yours always to hold.

Monday, January 5, 2009

My [Slippery] Good Day

Today was pretty much AWESOME!!
I woke up early (9:30) to take a shower and get ready to pick up Sara, since we had a lunch date. :) But Dad told me he needed to go to work, so I'd have to drive him in and reschedule with Sara, which was irritating but fine. I got all prettied up, but Dad asked me to help him with eBay, so we were HALF AN HOUR LATE getting into town. I hate being late. It makes me grumpy. Finally we were made it into town, and after I dropped him off I drove to Sara's. I decided (what the deuce was I thinking?) to try to take a different route to Sara's. I got lost, and then un-lost. I slipped two or three times, once almost plowing into the side of a parked truck. [Yikes!] I finally made it to Sara's house, but SURPRISE! I couldn't make it out of her driveway. The tires on the station wagon suuuuck. I don't like that car much. Anyways, after some shoveling and cursing we finally made it out.
I love Arby's. Their sauce and curly fries are like meth but without the nasty side effects. We stayed in there for TWO HOURS just talking and laughing. It was wonderful. On the way out we saw this guy I know from YL, his name is Tim. He's an odd duck. He's a nice duck. Sara and I did NOT want to say goodbye so we decided to randomly pop into one of my all-time favorite stores....THE DOLLAR STORE!! :D That was fun. We just wandered around. We bought glow sticks to bring to the next Speech meet, gigantic pencils, and tasty....delicious....wonderful....COTTON CANDY. Yummm.
Dad called with the news that his class had been canceled so he needed to be picked up. I invited Sara over, without asking my parents. Somehow I just knew they'd say yes.
Sara and I had the BEST time, just watching Juno and talking and eating cotton candy. Eventually, though, it was starting to get dark and Sara needed to go home. On the way, we needed to make just one stop.
And that is why I am sitting on my bed, listening to Lady Gaga and sipping a Blueberry Frost Freezer from the gas station. Life is good.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

My Retardedednessocity

Do you ever forget how to put on your clothes? Like, how to start?

That seems to happen to me kind of a lot.

My New Year {2009}

It's been a quiet night. Except that I can't sleep. Which is still technically quiet. Except for IMing and blaring French music. The dark circles under my eyes make me look like a baby.

I want pomegranate green tea.
I wish they made pomegranate frogo. That would be rad.

It's 1:27 AM, do you know where your pancreas is?

Dystocia is a funny word.

I'm so tired but i'm afraid of trying to sleep.

Phobia. Phoebus. Phoebe. Phoebus, also known as Apollo. What was Apollo afraid of? Phoebe, a bird. FEE be. FEE be.
Romans: "Screw the phonetics! Hell, let's even make 'phonetic' impossible to spell!"
Greeks: "Dammit. IS SPARTAAAA!!!!"
Romans: "Oh pu-leeze. You are all such drama queens. Ever heard of the roman legions, bitches? Cesar? Caligula?"
Greeks: [cower behind statue of Zeus]
Romans: "Damn straight."