Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just a moment ago I read this: http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hY9EJOvoVv2Mwr_gn_bKdoVG5MGQD976CVL81
The article (from the Associated Press, pretty much the best news source on the planet) says that a little war has broken out between Catholic bishops and Notre Dame University. Notre Dame invited President Barack Obama to speak at its commencement ceremony this May, as is the custom for new presidents. However, many Catholics are shocked at the thought of someone so vehemently pro-abortion speaking on a Catholic campus.
Excuse me?
President Obama is pro-abortion and he supports embyronic stem cell research. But if I remember correctly, those topics don't generally appear in graduation speeches. Usually commencement speeches are focused on the future and hard work and hope. Obama is good at hope. It's his word.
I really don't understand two main things about this "issue." First, that it has become such a juvenile argument. As a Catholic myself, I can understand the anger and resentment that fill pro-life hearts around the world at the thought of a pro-abortion leader. But as a near-adult, a rational thinker and a politically-inclined teen, I can't see why they must attack Obama's ideas on this level. A more appropriate course of action surely lies elsewhere.
Secondly, I don't see why it is being blown into such huge proportions. I actually discovered it via Catholic e-newsletter. The newsletter was a link that led to dozens of other links which led to countless stories about the conflict between Catholic bishops and Notre Dame administrators. Why must we make take this particular opportunity to demote abortion? There are plenty of others.

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