Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Whatevernessocity

Lalala I'm wasting time. Lalala. I have my permit. Driving is fun and terrifying at the same time. I'm a slow driver. I can hardly wait until I can actually drive my friends places. And Lee! It'll be cool when I can drive out to his place. :)
My homecoming dress came in the mail. Yay! It's golden yellow. :) I intentionally chose that color because the skool colors are blue & gold. Woo! I'm still looking for hairstyles though. And I need to decide what jewelry I'll wear....I'm sure I'll find something.
I can't wait for Homecoming. Really. I love dressing up for each day of Homecoming Week. Except this year our themes are retarded. (Excuse my language.) But they are. It was basically up to two stupid preps to decide the themes. I hate them. Jeebus. I would have picked something cooler than the wild west. Like Africa. Or Latin America. Or.....Old England! Yeah! Knights and fair ladies and magic! I could totally go for that.
Anyways. Life is mostly good. My dad's being an ass. Last night I cried....because I noticed that he'd taken down my mom's picture. I think there are only two reasons they're still together. One is me. The other is that it's cheaper to stay together.
I got a Twitter account. I have no idea why.
I need to go shopping.
Yes indeed.

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