Monday, September 29, 2008

My Confusions, Emotional Contusions, and Social Illusions

I actually thought that I was socially okay. Like not EVERYBODY likes me, and I know that. I can deal with that. But I thought that most everybody at least tolerated me. Noooo. Not so.
And to make it worse, my duet partner and trusted friend is on the same side of the river as me. The "wrong" side.
At this moment, there are about ten or fifteen people in the hotel hallway, sitting in a circle, having some sort of powwow. They refuse to let me pass to buy a bottle of water. They seem to be having plenty of fun.

God, it's just like middle school.
I don't need this.
Not again.

Monday, September 22, 2008

My Familial Sorrow

I can't believe it.
What kind of monster would do such a thing? Not only arson, but theft as well! What kind of disgusting scum would feel the need to spread pain on this planet? Isn't there enough?!
My aunt and uncle built their lives together. Over 100 years combined, of history, memories, love. All gone. Ashes.
Even the metal was melted. There is nothing recognizable.
My God, who would set fire to a moving van? Really.
I don't hope the person/people who did it get what's coming to them. Nor do I pray for their forgiveness. I hope that they know how much pain they have caused.
They have destroyed lives. A marriage. A family.
Nothing is left.
Just ashes.
Ashes and pain.

Monday, September 15, 2008

To The Dirtbike/4-wheeler-Owning Neighbor

First off, congratulations to you. You must have quite the superpower, to be able to sense when someone is attempting to concentrate. Must have been (be??) a real joy to your teachers. Even now, you're zooming over your man-made hillocks at breakneck speeds of at least forty-five. I was attempting to complete an assignment for an honors class, but in light of your very audible pastime, I'm afraid I must abandon it. I really hope you're done with your little hobby by seven thirty. Sometimes you stay out until eight or nine. You must have really great night vision.
Secondly, I wonder if you have heard of this great new part for your vehicle. It is commonly known as a muffler. It makes things go hushy-hushy. Look into it, yes? I know you are very proud of your skills. I would be too, if I learned to master balancing on four (or even *gasp* TWO!) wheels. And keeping up your speed enough to climb a small hill and careen down the other side? Sheer genius! In fact, I'm proud of you. Ignoring those gas prices like everything's gonna be okay! GOOD FOR YOU!! I'm sure somebody of average brain size (i.e. not you) will figure it all out so that we can ALL burn energy for fun!
And don't forget to wear your helmet! We wouldn't want a lovable dumbfuck like you to go comatose, now would we?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Whatevernessocity

Lalala I'm wasting time. Lalala. I have my permit. Driving is fun and terrifying at the same time. I'm a slow driver. I can hardly wait until I can actually drive my friends places. And Lee! It'll be cool when I can drive out to his place. :)
My homecoming dress came in the mail. Yay! It's golden yellow. :) I intentionally chose that color because the skool colors are blue & gold. Woo! I'm still looking for hairstyles though. And I need to decide what jewelry I'll wear....I'm sure I'll find something.
I can't wait for Homecoming. Really. I love dressing up for each day of Homecoming Week. Except this year our themes are retarded. (Excuse my language.) But they are. It was basically up to two stupid preps to decide the themes. I hate them. Jeebus. I would have picked something cooler than the wild west. Like Africa. Or Latin America. Or.....Old England! Yeah! Knights and fair ladies and magic! I could totally go for that.
Anyways. Life is mostly good. My dad's being an ass. Last night I cried....because I noticed that he'd taken down my mom's picture. I think there are only two reasons they're still together. One is me. The other is that it's cheaper to stay together.
I got a Twitter account. I have no idea why.
I need to go shopping.
Yes indeed.