Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Political Scandal

I am an enigma of my generation. When, a week ago, I began suggesting that a story on the presidential election be put in the school newspaper, I was shocked and dismayed to see how few people cared. In reality, I was the only student in the room who not only lacked an opinion, but knew every candidate and veep candidate from their first appearance in the media. I suppose I have to thank my mother (the history teacher) for making me watch the news at dinner, and for giving me the political gene.

At the beginning of the "race," (I don't see a finish line, nor a trophy) I was crossing my fingers for Obama. The free spirit in me abhors the thought of another wrinkly old white male in the Oval Office, though the Catholic me is disturbed at the thought of having a pro-abortion President.

Now, I'm not so sure who I want to "lead" our country. There are advantages and disadvantages to both sides. So I've finally come to the decision to let it go. When people ask, "What are you?" I think I'll reply, "Why, I'm human! What are you?" And when they ask, "Who do you want to win?" I will answer, "Mountain Dew Revolution."

My parents both consider themselves Independents, though my mother is listed as Republican. I have a natural tendency to lean slightly Right, though if I hadn't been baptized at age 8, I'm sure I'd be as Leftist and radical as my hippie aunt.

I think the Republican side of things desperately needs shaking up. For one thing, enough with the old white males; let's see some [smart] women in the White House. And enough with this selective blindness; things like rape, teen pregnancy, addictions and adultery happen. Instead of ignoring them, why not fix them now? The same with the economy...everyone seems to be talking about it. Everyone is worried. Let's get a few heads together to make it better the right way. I can already see the financial pain and struggles my generation is going to go through, but nobody seems to care enough to stand up and protest, least of all my own generation. Or maybe we're all just a bunch of cowards. Lastly, why are politicians barely even whispering about the environment? Are they too engrossed in the latest facts and polls to look out the window and see the brown sky? They're shrugging off the letters and petitions asking for alternative energy, clean fuel, and conservation. What will my entire generation be doing when we're drowning in puddles of sludge, acid rain, and melted glaciers? We will be cursing our self-absorbed predecessors. The adults of the current time need to be just that: adults. They may be the Flower Children, but this world is badly in need of some responsible men and women.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Style

Needs a drastic revolution.

Friday, October 10, 2008


do not stick to ceilings. Sadly.

Friday, October 3, 2008

My Dim Wishing

Mrs. Morlang is superbly nice. Lol but she thinks I’m better than I really am. She likes Jeremy Tuten. He’s nice enough, I guess.

Gosh, I love typing. Is that weird? I like the sound of computer keys. I remember when I was little the computer was only a little ways outside my room, so I would always hear Ted typing away at night. It was kind of a soothing, happy sound for me. I miss that.

I wish I looked like Natalie Portman. She’s so beautiful. So thin and perfect.

Instead I look like….like….like the shoulda-woulda-coulda that I am.
Oh well. At least I don’t practice false advertising.

The power’s out at our house. Thank God for laptop batteries. Unfortunately, the power being out also means that I can’t access the internet. Which means this blog is technically late. It’s exactly 7:00 PM right now.

Ooh. Power just came on. Which means this blog will be up by 7:05 PM.

My armpit hurts.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I'm an idiot. Who knew?